Saturday 25 August 2007

Funny Names.

''I only pay my actors what I think they're worth''
Peter Rogers (Their 'worth' was £5000 for the men and £2,500 for the women.)

It's been a while since I posted anything here - I do apologise. It's been a busy few months and I've been quite occupied elsewhere.
I'm trying to compile a list of funny 'Carry On' names that were used in the films for a project I'm working on.
If you can add any others to my list then please do.
Maude Boggins, Hope Springs, Sid Flange, Mrs Prodworthy, Miss Allcock, Amelia Fosdyke, Dan Dann (the lavatory man), Miss Haggard, Reverend Flasher. I know there are lots more but my mind's gone a blank. Go on give me a PROD...
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